Stephenie Zamora Media

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  • My Awesome Life Guide on how to reconnect with your intuition so you can trust yourself more fully. Increase your ability to know something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. When we’re disconnected from our intuition, it can be near impossible to know what we should do in important situations. If you’re ready to reconnect with this wise source within, this ebook is for you!
  • Five powerful AcuSesh™ recordings for growth and healing. Acupressure is a simple and powerful practice that allows you to easily remove limiting beliefs, blocks, past traumas, fears, stressors, and anything else that’s getting in the way of you creating what you desire. Through Acupressure, we work with the vision center of the brain and clear any old or outdated information, heal and release stuck emotions and limiting beliefs, and basically rewire your thought process, feelings, and patterns, all through a simple and relaxing exercise.

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Stephenie Zamora in the Media

STEPhenie's work has been featured in:

Stephenie Zamora in the Media

STEPhenie's work has been featured in:

Stephenie Zamora is the author of Unravel, a life and business coach, and founder of Here she merges the worlds of personal development, energy healing, intuitive coaching, writing, and mixed media to help individuals rise up and come back from the most challenging chapters.

Stephenie guides her clients through the process of re-orienting to themselves, their lives, their relationships, and their work in a way that’s fully aligned with who they’ve become in the aftermath of grief, trauma, depression, and big life transitions such as divorce, job loss, relocation, and more. After struggling with PTSD from a sudden and traumatic loss, she navigated her own difficult healing journey, and has set out to help others find the purpose of their own path using her five stage Journey Mapping™ process.

Stephenie is the founder of Stephenie Zamora Media, author of the Awesome Life Tips® books, and creator of the powerful Journey Mapping™ process and program. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, Yahoo Shine, Elite Daily, Positively Positive, and many other publications over the years. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or at to learn more.

Stephenie Zamora Media

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